Pet Care

How to treat dog swollen ear flap?


by Allan Osdlo


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How to treat a dog’s swollen ear flap? Here, we’ll be discussing how to treat dog swollen ear flaps. This is a common problem for dogs and one that can be pretty quickly treated at home. We’ll go over some of the causes of swollen ear flaps and some simple home remedies that you can try. 

How to treat dog swollen ear flap

How to treat dog swollen ear flap

Dog swollen ear flaps can have many potential causes, from allergies to infections. If your dog’s ear is red, feels hot when touched, is being scratched excessively, or seems to be painful, it is crucial to take him to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment plan. In the meantime, you can do a few things at home to help ease your dog’s discomfort.

  • To reduce inflammation and pain, apply a warm compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes at a time.
  • If your dog is scratching his ear excessively, give him an antihistamine. This will help relieve itchiness and allow the inflamed area to heal.
  • Use a gentle cleanser made specifically for pets to clean your dog’s ear. This will help remove any dirt, wax, or other irritants that could be causing or worsening the problem.
  • Ear drops made specifically for dogs can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Your dog may need antibiotics from the vet if he has a bacterial infection.

What causes and symptoms of a swollen ear flap on a dog are?

A swollen ear flap on a dog can have many potential causes. Allergies, foreign bodies, mites, polyps, infections, and tumors can all contribute to a swollen ear flap. Symptoms may include pawing at the ear, head shaking, scratching at the ear, redness of the ear, and a discharge from the ear. If your dog has any of these symptoms, you should take him to the vet for a checkup.

Ear infections: how to spot an ear infection and what to do about it

Dog owners frequently have to deal with ear infections, which are among the most prevalent problems. They can be painful and irritating for your dog, but they typically aren’t severe and can be dealt with at home. With that said, you should always see your vet if you think your dog has an ear infection.

A few things you can look for to spot an ear infection include:

  • If your dog is shaking his head or scratching at his ears frequently, this could be a sign that he has an ear infection.
  • If there is discharge or crusting around the ear
  • The ear is red or swollen.
  • The inside of the ear smells unpleasant.
  • Your dog may have an ear infection if holding his head to one side.

There is a decrease in hearing in the affected ear.

If you see any of these symptoms, it’s time to take action. The first step is to clean your dog’s ears with a solution recommended by your veterinarian. This will help clear out any debris or wax that might be causing the issue. Next, apply a warm compress to the affected area for 10 minutes several times a day. This will help reduce swelling and pain. Finally, give your dog a daily supplement of omega-3 fatty acids, which will help reduce inflammation.

Allergies: what are dogs’ most common allergies that cause swollen ear flaps?

The most frequent allergies that lead to swollen ear flaps in dogs are contact, food, and environmental. Contact allergies are brought about by an allergic reaction to something that the dog’s skin comes into direct contact with, for example, particular shampoos, detergents, or flea collars. Food allergies occur when a dog has an allergic reaction to something they ingest, such as specific types of food or food additives. Environmental allergies are caused by an allergic reaction to something in the dog’s environment, like pollen, mold, dust mites, or secondhand smoke.

Insect bites: how to spot an insect bite and what to do about it

Identifying an insect bite early and taking action if your dog gets one is essential. Insect bites can be very painful for dogs and, in some instances, can even threaten their health.

Here are a few signs that an insect has bitten your dog:

  • The area around the bite becomes swollen
  • Inflammation or soreness
  • Hot to the touch
  • If your dog is licking or scratching the site excessively

The first step you should take if you believe an insect has bitten your dog is to clean the area with soap and water. This will help to keep the risk of infection low. After that, you should reach out to your veterinarian for guidance. They could tell you to give your dog a round of antibiotics or antihistamines to ease the symptoms. They may also suggest that your dog sees a specialist in more severe cases.

How to treat dog ear hematoma at home

How to treat dog ear hematoma at home

An aural hematoma, commonly referred to as a dog ear hematoma, is a swelling of the blood vessels in the ear flap. This can be painful for dogs and is often caused by head shaking or trauma to the ear. Ear hematomas are most prevalent in large breeds with pendulous (hanging) ears, such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels. While any breed of dog can experience this condition, it is seen more frequently in dogs with long, thin ear flaps that do not offer much protection to the delicate blood vessels beneath them.

There are two primary reasons why dog ear hematomas form. The first is head shaking, which can be caused by an ear infection or other irritation in the ear canal. The second is trauma to the ear, which can occur when a dog shakes his head violently or rubs his ears vigorously against something hard. 

Regardless of the cause, the result is the same: blood vessels within the ear flap rupture, causing blood to collect under the skin. This pooled blood causes the characteristic swelling and pain associated with an ear hematoma.

Dog ear hematoma heals on its own

Dog ear hematoma heals on its own

Auricular hematoma, a dog ear hematoma, is a collection of blood in the ear flap. This is a relatively frequent condition in dogs and can be brought about by any trauma to the ear, such as shaking the head too hard or scratching the ear too roughly. Ear hematomas can cause your dog a lot of pain and, if not dealt with, can result in severe problems. The good news is that there are many successful treatment options available, and the hematoma will usually heal on its own.

Cold compress for a dog ear hematoma

If your dog has a swollen ear flap from an ear hematoma, you can treat it at home with a cold compress. Use cold water to clean the cloth and apply it to your dog’s ear for 10-15 minutes daily. You can also place a frozen bag of peas (wrapped in a cloth) against your dog’s ear for the same amount of time. If your dog is in pain, you can give him over-the-counter pain medication meant for dogs, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Is a dog’s ear hematoma an emergency?

If your dog’s ear flap is swollen, you should take him to the vet immediately. A dog ear hematoma also called an aural hematoma, is a mass of blood that collects in the space between the ear cartilage and skin. It commonly occurs due to trauma to the ear, such as shaking the head vigorously or getting scratched by another animal. Ear hematomas are painful and can cause lasting damage if not treated promptly.

What can I do for my dog’s ear hematoma?

What can I do for my dog's ear hematoma?

A dog ear hematoma also called an aural hematoma, is a condition in which blood vessels break and bleed into the space between the skin and cartilage of the ear flap. Ear hematomas can be painful for your dog and, if left untreated, can lead to long-term damage to the ear flap.

Ear hematomas most commonly form when the ear experiences trauma, such as from too much scratching or rubbing. Ear infections, allergies, and tumors can also cause them.

If you think your dog has an ear hematoma, it’s essential to take them to the vet immediately. Untreated ear hematomas can cause permanent damage to your dog’s ears and may even require surgery to fix.

In order to reduce inflammation and pain, your veterinarian will most likely suggest treatment with oral or injectable steroids. Surgery is also necessary to drain the blood and take the pressure off the ear flap. In certain situations, your veterinarian may also recommend putting a drain in the Ear hematoma to stop fluid from building up again.

What is the estimated cost of treating a dog’s ear hematoma?

The cost to treat an ear hematoma depends on several factors, including the severity of the hematoma, your veterinarian’s office charges, and your location. To learn more about the total cost, the treatment price in your chosen location may need to be factored into the equation.

In some cases, the method to treat an ear hematoma can be completed in a veterinarian’s office using minimal anesthesia as an outpatient. For more severe blood tests, the price will be higher. If the ear area is large, it might be optimal to anesthetize the dog before performing the procedure since draining bloody tissue can be painful.

Surgery costs with anesthesia are higher because of the need for pain medication and the operating room. Your doctor may request blood tests to determine if your dog is healthy enough to do the surgery. In the end, treating ear hematomas could cost from $300 to $2,500. Additional expenses may be blood tests and pain medication.


When blood pools under the skin of the ear, leaving the skin, which is then damaged, usually following scratching or head shaking, you typically observe aural hematomas. Be mindful of the primary signs of these hematomas and take action in response to treatment as necessary; you must be able to provide the proper level of care for your dog. Your vet will show you what you can do to help them if necessary. Preventing ear hematomas can best be achieved by fostering your body’s overall health, personal hygiene, and awareness.

Allan Osdlo

This man is really like and enthusiastic about pets. He is animal lovers can make the most of their pet's nutritional well-being by educating themselves on the options in pet feeding.

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